Our Approach
Unveiling Our Approach
Our approach focuses on understanding the specific needs and challenges of each individual, while creating tailored support plans that pave the way for growth and empowerment.
We begin by getting to know you or your loved one in detail. This starts with a comprehensive assessment to understand your unique strengths, challenges, and personal preferences. In addition, we believe that every individual is different, so we work closely with you, your family, and relevant professionals to create a personalised plan/approach that outlines your specific goals and aspirations.
Based on the assessment, we create a customised support plan that addresses the specific challenges related to learning disabilities and autism. We take into account your communication style, sensory sensitivities, and any co-occurring conditions, ensuring that our support is tailored to your individual needs.
Our experienced team provides a wide range of skill development programs designed to enhance your abilities. This may include communication, social interaction, daily living skills, and academic support. We use evidence-based practices to help you acquire these skills effectively and confidently.
For individuals with autism, we offer specialised behavioural support programs. These programs focus on addressing challenging behaviours, building positive coping strategies, and promoting emotional regulation. We utilise proven techniques such as Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) when it aligns with your specific needs.
We understand that sensory sensitivities are common among individuals with autism. To help you thrive, we provide sensory-friendly environments and tools that accommodate your unique sensory preferences, creating a comfortable and supportive setting.
If you have limited verbal communication skills, we offer alternative communication methods, including augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices and systems. Our team specialises in facilitating effective and expressive communication.
We believe in the importance of social interaction and community involvement. For this, we organise group activities and outings that align with your interests to help you build meaningful relationships and actively participate in community life.
We value the role of family in your support journey. Moreover, we actively involve your family, providing regular updates, training, and resources to help them better understand and support you, as we believe that family collaboration is essential to your long-term success.
Your progress is continually reviewed and assessed to ensure that your support plan remains effective. We make adjustments as needed to accommodate changing needs and goals, ensuring that you're always on the path to success.
Our staff members receive ongoing training in the latest research and best practices related to learning disabilities and autism. We are committed to staying updated on evidence-based interventions and approaches to provide you with the best support possible.
We are here to assist you and your family in accessing available resources, services, and educational opportunities within your community. Our team can also advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive the support and accommodations you require.
Your autonomy and choices are at the forefront of our support. Our goal is to empower you to make decisions about your life to the greatest extent possible. We follow a person-centred philosophy that upholds your dignity and respects your individuality.
Referral Process Overview
Embark on a comprehensive journey as we guide individuals through our referral process, diligently assessing their needs, collaborating with key stakeholders, and ensuring a seamless transition into our supportive community.
At the outset, we gather essential information about individuals seeking support, assessing their care needs. We ensure compatibility with our existing services and verify the availability of funding from local authorities or relevant entities. Typically, individuals are overseen by a designated social worker or care coordinator.
The assessment phase involves a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s current living situation, actively involving them in the process. Collaborating with family members, support networks, educational and healthcare professionals, as well as social workers and care coordinators, allows us to gain a holistic understanding of the individual. This inclusive approach considers both personal identity and support needs. The focus is on determining our ability to meet support needs, identifying potential risks, and finding compatible living arrangements based on factors such as age, needs, and interests.
Once support needs are identified, we collaborate with the funding authority to agree on the costs of care and propose suitable services that align with the individual’s well-being.
For Supported Living arrangements, housing forms are completed, and the tenancy start date is agreed upon with our Housing Partners. We apply for housing benefits after gathering the individual’s financial information to facilitate rent payments.
Professional input is sought for any necessary adaptations to living spaces in collaboration with Occupational Therapists (OT).
Transition planning involves identifying hours and specific needs for the individual, along with any customized training required for staff to meet the individual’s needs safely and effectively. While some individuals may not require a transition, for others, it is crucial to ensure a smooth move-in process. This allows individuals to familiarise themselves with their new staff team and vice versa, fostering a better understanding of the individual’s care needs.
Before move-in, comprehensive documents, including care plans, risk assessments, and other necessary paperwork, are completed in consultation with the individual. This ensures that their needs and preferences are accurately represented, facilitating the best possible support.
Qualified And Trained Staff
The team at Pearl Support Services is composed of exceptionally qualified and trained professionals who actively collaborate with care coordinators, occupational therapists, social workers, and other specialists.
Appointment Booking Form
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Pearl Support Services primarily serves individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism, typically in the age range of 18 to 65. However, our services are designed to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual. We assess and develop personalised support plans for those who require our assistance.
We ensure the quality of care through our commitment to specialist expertise, a person-centered approach, continuous staff training, and adherence to UK regulations and best practices. Our team of qualified professionals, including registered nursing experts, works collaboratively with care coordinators, therapists, and specialists to meet the evolving needs of individuals with learning disabilities and autism.
Currently, our presence is in Sussex, but we have aspirations to broaden our coverage to encompass additional counties, including Kent, Middlesex, and Surrey in the future. We actively seek partnerships with local authorities, healthcare professionals, and advocacy organisations to identify potential residents and facilitate appropriate referrals.
We are dedicated to offering round-the-clock assistance. Both service users and their families or caregivers can reach out to a staff member for support during nights and weekends. A free phone link connects directly to on-call staff, ensuring that emergency assistance is accessible 24/7.